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The 4 Phases Of The Dental Veneer Process

Dental veneers are one of the most versatile techniques in aesthetic dentistry today. Yet because the installation process is somewhat more difficult to understand, many people hesitate to embrace the benefits of dental veneers. If you are considering veneers as a treatment option, read on. This article will outline the four phases of the dental veneer installation process.

Phase 1: Creating A Pre-Impression For Temporary Veneers

The first phase of the dental veneer process involves the creation of a so-called pre-impression. Essentially this is a mold of your teeth as they are today. The mold is made utilizing a material called polyvinyl siloxane. This soft putty is pressed around your teeth, then removed and allowed to harden, and finally used to create a set of temporary veneers.

Phase 2: Preparing Your Teeth

The goal here is the removal of enamel from the outside of the teeth being fixed. Only the thinnest possible layer of enamel is removed--around 1.5mm, to be precise. This is necessary in order to provide space for the veneer. Without removing this enamel, the veneer would stick out noticeably compared to the adjacent teeth.

The enamel is removed utilizing a variety of different dental drills. Because there may be some mild discomfort associated with this phase, your dentist will likely apply an anesthetic to the gums around the particular teeth being worked on. After the layer of enamel has been taken off, another mold will be made of your teeth. This will function as a template for the creation of the permanent veneers.

Phase 3: Attaching The Temporary Veneers

Veneers are custom created out of either porcelain or a high-density resin by a dental laboratory that specializes in the manufacturing of such prosthetics. The creation process may take several weeks, which is why your dentist already has a set of temporary veneers on hand. These temporary veneers are placed on the surface of your teeth using a reversible dental cement, which allows them to be easily removed when the time comes.

Phase 4: Installing The Permanent Veneers

Your dentist will contact you about scheduling a final visit once your permanent dental veneers have been created. This visit will begin with the removal of the temporary veneers. Following this, your teeth will receive a thorough cleaning. In order to improve the strength of the veneer's bond, their surface will also be roughened slightly using a mild but effective type of acid.

A layer of permanent dental cement is then applied to both the tooth and the veneer, which is then pressed carefully into place. This cement cures slowly enough to permit any small adjustments to be made. Finally, a special ultraviolet light is shined on the teeth. This light causes a chemical change to take place in the cement, thus solidifying the bond between veneer and tooth. 

For more information on veneers, contact a dentist like those at the Leidenheimer Dental Group Inc.
