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What Is The Expected Life Span Of Dental Implants?

The dental implant treatment is slightly more involved than other teeth replacement options. So, if you plan to get a dental implant, you want to know how long your implants will last. Read on to discover the life span of dental implants and the factors involved.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last? 

Dental implants have three components: the post, the abutment, and the prosthesis. The post will last the longest because it is fused with the nearby bone and not exposed to factors that can cause damage. With proper care, a dental implant post could last a lifetime.

The prosthesis and abutment are more exposed to damage. They have an approximate life span of 10 or more years. For instance, the constant force you exert when you chew and bite wears down the exterior surface of your dental implants. Nonetheless, the exact life span of implant-supported restorations depends on different factors that are discussed below.

What Determines the Life Span of Dental Implants?

Your health and lifestyle affect the longevity of dental implants.

Oral Health

After surgery, you'll still have to take care of your dental implants as you do your natural teeth. Also, you must keep your gums healthy to ensure the titanium root fuses successfully. Oral hygiene is crucial because the teeth and gums surrounding the implant are not resistant to decay. Besides, you are still vulnerable to issues like gum disease.

Often, the titanium root is permanent, but the restoration will need a replacement. Nonetheless, if you have gum disease, you may not last long with implants unless you treat your periodontal illness beforehand. In a nutshell, healthier gums and proper oral hygiene increase the life span of your dental implants.


Lifestyle choices, such as drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes, can reduce your implants' longevity. This scenario is especially true during the early stages of dental implant treatment. For example, you'll need enough blood flow to the implant area to heal faster, but nicotine reduces oxygen levels and blood flow which can slow your recovery.

Tobacco use also increases the chances of bacterial plaque on your teeth. So, if you smoke before your implants heal, you can get an infection that slows recovery. Any activity that jeopardizes your recovery can make the tissues in your mouth dry out and lessen the life span of your implants.


How long your dental implants last depends on your health and the appropriate care. Although dental implants constitute high-quality material, wear and tear still happen. Therefore, you'll need occasional replacements for some parts of your dental implants. However, you may never have to replace your dental implant's post if the implant post has not sustained damage and still fuses to the jawbone.

Talk to your dentist to learn more about dental implants.
