
Keep Your Baby's Teeth Healthy By Avoiding Pacifiers And Bedtime Bottles

When infants are born, their sucking reflex is strong. In fact, this important reflex developed while they were still yet in the womb, which is why it's not uncommon to see a fetus sucking his or her thumb on an ultrasound picture. While the sucking reflex is required to nurse or drink from a bottle, an infant can also become "addicted" to sucking. Many parents inadvertently feed this addiction by giving the baby a pacifier or allowing them to go to sleep with a bottle.

Nervous About Going To The Dentist? Try These Tips To Reduce Your Anxiety

One of the things many people truly despise doing is going to the dentist. It' common for lots of individuals to suffer from dental phobia. If you're in this group, you may have to do a lot of self-talk to get you to your dentist. Fortunately, there are significant ways that can help you feel better and less stressed during your next visit. 1.    Go to the same provider

Did Your Child Just Earn A Spot On Their School Sports Team? 3 Tips To Prevent Their Favorite Game From Harming Their Teeth

Pediatric dentists love to hear that their older patients are staying active since a healthy body is an important part of maintaining good oral health. However, they also tend to be the first ones to notice a few of the negative side effects that playing a sport can have on teeth. Now that your child has earned their rightful spot on their school's sports team, you can use these tips to make sure that their pearly whites look great in the stadium spotlight.

Troubleshooting Why Your Gums Hurt When You Try To Floss

Flossing is a good habit that everyone should follow, even though many people don't. However, starting to floss is often riddled with problems for a lot of people. When you first start flossing, you might discover that trying to do so hurts or makes your gums feel sensitive. Here are a few potential causes for this problem and how you can improve the discomfort you're experiencing by changing the way you care for your gums.

3 Underlying Issues Dentists May Be Able To Diagnose During A Routine Cleaning

Brushing and flossing are important steps if you want to have healthy and appealing teeth and gums. However, brushing and flossing alone is not always effective for removing stubborn food residue and plaque buildup. Therefore, the importance of professional dental cleanings should be easy to see. Most dentists recommend professional cleanings and a checkup every 6 months or at least once a year for preventing heavy buildup of food, bacteria, and plaque while reducing the risk of cavities, decay, and gum disease.

Signs You Need A Dental Crown

A dental crown is used as both a cosmetic and dental tool to help make your mouth healthier and more attractive. You may need a dental crown if you have a certain oral condition that won't respond well to other treatments. A dental crown is placed in your mouth under a local anesthesia and is done in a regular dentist's chair, so you usually won't need to be referred to a dental specialist or oral surgeon unless you need more dental work done.

What Kind Of Material Is Used To Fill A Cavity?

Has a trip to the dentist ended in being told that you happen to have a cavity? If so, you may be wondering what kind of material will be put into the tooth in order to fill it. There are a few different materials that dentists can use, with each one having its own advantages. Here are what your options will be. Natural Material Sometimes there is a need for the cavity filling to fit seamlessly into the tooth so that nobody notices it.

Microdermabrasion Myths You Should Ignore

Microdermabrasion is a popular, non-invasive form of powerful exfoliation. The process can help improve the texture of your skin to reveal a smoother and brighter complexion. Microdermabrasion is not exactly a new phenomenon. Yet, there are a variety of myths that surround the treatment. If you have considered this option, learn about some of the myths so that you can make the most informed decision.  Pain Is Involved Exfoliation is the removal of the dead skin layer.

3 Simple Solutions For Easing Pain After Getting Your Braces Adjusted

If you recently got braces to help with straightening your teeth, you may have realized that the adjustments that are commonly performed every four to six weeks will often cause you to experience some pain. The adjustments are performed to tighten the teeth on a monthly basis to help with the straightening process because your teeth need to shift into the proper spots, which is why it is something that must be done if you want to have straight teeth in no time.

Why People With Missing Teeth Tend To Have Weak Jaws

You've probably seen many people over the course of your life who have a full set of dentures, yet a weak jaw and chin holding them in. While the dentures resemble strong and healthy teeth, the jaw can't hide the reality of the situation. Weak jaws are indeed very common in people who have missing teeth, but it's a situation that can be avoided. Read this to learn how the jaw relies on teeth.